Split Croatia attractions
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Split, Croatia, is a captivating city that offers a plethora of attractions to explore. Here are some of the top Split Croatia attractions, each contributing to the city's unique charm and historical significance.

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When visiting Split, Croatia, a great starting point for exploring the city is the historical center, specifically the area around Diocletian's Palace. Here's a suggested starting point for your visit to Split:

Table of Contents

Begin at Diocletian's Palace: As one of Split's most iconic attractions, Diocletian's Palace is an excellent starting point. Explore the palace's central square, the Peristyle, and immerse yourself in the rich history and architectural beauty of this UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Wander through the Old Town (Varoš): Located just outside the palace walls, the charming Old Town area, known as Varoš, is a maze of narrow streets and stone houses. Take a leisurely stroll through these historic alleys, soak in the atmosphere, and discover hidden gems such as local shops, quaint cafes, and traditional konobas (taverns).

Visit the Riva Promenade: The Riva is a vibrant waterfront promenade that stretches along Split's harbor. Enjoy a pleasant walk along the promenade, lined with palm trees and bustling with cafes and restaurants. Take in the scenic views of the sea, watch the boats sail by, and enjoy the lively atmosphere.

Explore Marjan Hill: Marjan Hill is among the top Split Croatia attractions. This beautiful natural park is located on the western side of Split. It offers stunning views of the city, the surrounding islands, and the Adriatic Sea. Hike or bike through the park's trails, visit the viewpoint at Telegrin and enjoy the peaceful ambiance of nature.

Take a guided tour: Consider joining a guided walking tour of Split Croatia attractions. A knowledgeable guide can provide historical insights, and interesting anecdotes, and show you the hidden corners of the city that you might miss on your own. It's a great way to learn about the city's history and culture while getting oriented.

Remember, this list is just a starting point, and there are many other attractions and activities to explore in Split based on your interests and the time you have available.


Inside the city walls of Diocletian's Palace in Split, Croatia, you'll find a wealth of attractions that showcase the rich history and architectural beauty of this UNESCO World Heritage Site. Here are the most important attractions you must see within the palace:

Peristyle Square: Start your exploration at Peristyle Square, the central square of the palace. Marvel at the ancient Roman architecture, admire the intricate carvings and soak in the vibrant atmosphere.

Don't miss the elevated Peristyle platform, where the Roman emperor would address the crowds.

St. Duje Cathedral

Cathedral of St. Domnius: Visit the impressive Cathedral of St. Domnius, a stunning example of Romanesque architecture.

Explore its ornate interior, climb the bell tower for panoramic views of Split, and descend into the crypt where the remains of St. Domnius are housed.

Vestibule: Step into the Vestibule, a grand entrance hall that served as the palace's ceremonial gateway.

Admire the impressive architecture and the soaring dome, which once provided a grand entrance for the emperor.

Jupiter Temple

Temple of Jupiter: Adjacent to the cathedral, you'll find the Temple of Jupiter. This ancient Roman temple was later converted into a baptistery and is characterized by its Corinthian columns and exquisite stone carvings.  Admire the historical significance and intricate details of this fascinating structure.

Visiting the Split Temple of Jupiter within Diocletian's Palace allows you to witness the intertwining of different historical periods and religions, providing a fascinating insight into the rich and complex history of the region.

Underground Cellars: Descend into the underground cellars of the palace to discover a labyrinth of passageways and chambers. These cellars were used for storage and are an intriguing glimpse into the palace's past. Today, they house various exhibits and art installations. 

It's one of the Split Croatia attractions you shouldn't miss!

Underground Cellars

Split City Museum: Located within the palace complex, the Split City Museum offers a comprehensive collection of artifacts and exhibits that provide insight into the city's history.

Explore the museum to learn about the palace's construction, its role in Split's development, and the life of its inhabitants.

Split City museum

Ethnographic Museum: Discover the local culture and traditions of the region at the Ethnographic Museum.

Housed within the palace walls, the museum displays a wide range of traditional costumes, tools, and artifacts, providing a glimpse into the daily lives of the people who once lived here.


The time needed to visit all the Split Croatia attractions inside Diocletian's Palace can vary depending on your level of interest, the pace at which you explore, and the amount of time you spend at each attraction.

However, on average, it can take several hours to a full day to thoroughly explore the palace and its attractions.

Diocletian's Palace is a vast complex that covers an area of about 7 acres. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and contains numerous historical and architectural landmarks, such as the Peristyle, the Cathedral of Saint Domnius, the Temple of Jupiter, and the substructures of the palace.

To explore the palace thoroughly, you may want to allocate at least half a day to a full day. This will allow you to visit the major attractions, explore the underground cellars, walk through the narrow streets, and take time to appreciate the details and historical significance of the site.

Additionally, if you plan to visit any museums or galleries within the palace complex, you may need to allocate additional time. Take a look at these museums inside the Diocletian Palace.

Keep in mind that visiting during peak tourist seasons or weekends may lead to larger crowds, which can slow down your progress and potentially increase the time needed to see everything. It's also worth considering tickets and guided tours, as they can provide informative insights and help you navigate the palace efficiently.

Ultimately, the time required to visit all the Split Croatia attractions inside Diocletian's Palace can vary based on your preferences and the depth of exploration you desire. It's advisable to plan accordingly and allocate ample time to fully enjoy this remarkable historical site.


Guruwalk Split - Diocletian Palace

The Four Gates of Diocletian's Palace in Split are the main entrances to the ancient palace complex, which was built by the Roman Emperor Diocletian in the 4th century AD. 

Each gate has its significance and character, contributing to the historical and architectural richness of the palace. Here is a short description of each gate:


Brass Gate (Porta Aenea): Located on the western side, the Brass Gate is the smallest and least ornate of the four gates. It is believed to have been the private entrance used by the emperor and his family. Today, it provides access to the modern city's charming streets and shops.

This gate is the main entrance to the Palace's basements and underground cellars.

Golden Gate

Golden Gate (Porta Aurea): Located on the northern wall of the palace, the Golden Gate is the grandest and most elaborate entrance. It features impressive architectural details, including columns, arches, and ornate decorations.

This gate was reserved for the emperor's ceremonial entries and was considered the most prestigious entrance.


Silver Gate (Porta Argentea): Situated on the eastern side of the palace, the Silver Gate is a more modest entrance compared to the Golden Gate. It consists of a simple archway flanked by two towers.

The Silver Gate provided direct access to the bustling markets and the eastern part of the city.

Iron Gate

Iron Gate (Porta Ferrea): Positioned on the southern wall, the Iron Gate is another significant entrance to the palace. It is named after the massive iron doors that once guarded the entrance.

This gate connected the palace with the nearby port and served as a primary entrance for goods and supplies.

Each of these gates holds a fascinating historical and architectural legacy, symbolizing the grandeur and functionality of Diocletian's Palace. They serve as enduring reminders of the rich Roman heritage and are an integral part of Split's cultural and historical identity.

They also can help you to know how to orientate when exploring Split Croatia attractions and to find the best and quickest way to all splendors of the Split City.

Grgur Ninski rub his thumb for luck

Visiting the Monument to Gregory of Nin (Grgur Ninski) is worth it when you're in Split, Croatia. The monument is located just outside the Golden Gate of Diocletian's Palace, near the entrance to the Old Town. Here are some reasons why it's worth visiting:

    • Historical Significance: The Monument to Gregory of Nin is a symbol of Croatia's history and cultural heritage. 
    • Artistic Value: The monument itself is a striking work of art. Created by the renowned Croatian sculptor Ivan Meštrovic.


Split Croatia Riva starting point for visiting Split attractions

Is it reasonable to consider Riva Promenade in Split as a starting point to visit Split Croatia attractions?

Considering the Riva promenade in Split as a starting point to visit Split's attractions is reasonable and highly recommended.

The Riva promenade is a vibrant and picturesque waterfront promenade that stretches along the harbor, offering stunning views of the Adriatic Sea. Find accommodation near Split’s Riva.

Here's why it makes an excellent starting point:

  • Riva Split PromenadeScenic Beauty: Riva offers stunning views of the Adriatic Sea and the nearby islands. The crystal-clear waters, picturesque sunsets, and palm-lined promenade create a visually appealing and serene atmosphere. The scenic beauty of Riva attracts both locals and visitors alike.
  • Central Location: Riva is located in the heart of Split, adjacent to the historic Diocletian's Palace. Its central location makes it easily accessible and a natural hub for strolls, meeting friends, or enjoying a meal or drink at the numerous cafes and restaurants that line the waterfront.
  • Historic Significance: Riva holds historical significance as it was once a bustling harbor for maritime trade and activities. It has been an essential part of Split's history for centuries. The combination of history and picturesque surroundings make it an intriguing and captivating destination.
  • Vibrant Atmosphere: Riva is known for its vibrant and lively atmosphere. It buzzes with activity, especially during the summer months when tourists and locals fill the promenade. Street performers, live music, and cultural events often take place, adding to the vibrant energy of the waterfront.
  • Social Gathering Place: Riva serves as a central meeting point for locals and visitors. It's a place where people gather to socialize, enjoy a coffee or a meal, or simply relax and people-watch. The lively atmosphere and the constant flow of people create a sense of community and liveliness.
  • Cultural and Entertainment Events: Riva frequently hosts various cultural and entertainment events, including concerts, festivals, and art exhibitions. These events attract a diverse crowd and contribute to the dynamic nature of the waterfront.

Riva's popularity stems from its combination of natural beauty, historical significance, vibrant atmosphere, and its role as a social and cultural gathering place. Whether you're seeking relaxation, entertainment, or a taste of local life, Riva is the starting point for visiting Split Croatia attractions.

Split Riva Promenade Gallery!


Split Croatia Attractions - Varos

If you are looking for things to see in Split Town, many tourists don't even know about Varos, a Split old suburb. Varos is a charming and historic suburb located within the city of Split.

Situated just west of the Diocletian's Palace, Varos is known for its narrow winding streets, traditional stone houses, and authentic Mediterranean ambiance. Here is a short description of Varos:

Step into the Timeless Charm of Varos: Explore the Historic Suburb of Old Split!

Immerse yourself in the rich architectural heritage of Varos, where centuries-old buildings tell stories of the past. Explore the charming squares, quaint courtyards, and picturesque alleyways that exude a unique Mediterranean atmosphere.

As you stroll along, you'll discover hidden nooks, vibrant local cafes, and artisan shops that showcase local craftsmanship.

Varos also offers breathtaking panoramic views of the Adriatic Sea and the nearby islands, providing the perfect backdrop for memorable photographs and moments of serenity. As the sun sets, the neighborhood comes alive with a cozy ambiance, offering an ideal setting to indulge in delicious local cuisine and raise a glass for unforgettable experiences.

Would you like to stay in Varos?

Split private apartment Veli Varos
Varos Old Split

Add this old fishermen's district among Split Croatia attractions to have a glimpse into the authentic and traditional side of Split. It's a place where history, local charm, and a sense of community come together, creating an enchanting and memorable experience for visitors.


View on the city from Marjan Hill

When visiting Marjan Hill in Split, Croatia, you'll discover a natural oasis that offers stunning views, recreational activities, and a tranquil escape from the bustling city. Here are the most important Split Croatia attractions you must see when exploring Marjan Hill:

  • Viewpoints: Marjan Hill is renowned for its breathtaking panoramic views of Split and the Adriatic Sea. Make sure to visit the various viewpoints scattered throughout the hill, such as Telegrin, Vidilica, and Bene, to capture the beauty of the city, the coastline, and the surrounding islands.
  • Nature Trails: Marjan Hill is crisscrossed with numerous hiking and walking trails, making it a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. Explore the forested paths, breathe in the fresh air, and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the hill. The trails lead you to secluded beaches, hidden coves, and picturesque spots.

Sports and Recreation: Marjan Hill offers various recreational activities for visitors.

Rent a bike and cycle through the winding paths, go rock climbing on the cliffs, or participate in water sports like kayaking and paddleboarding along the coastline. 

The hill caters to both adventure seekers and those looking for leisurely activities.

Looking for hotels near Marjan Hill, Split?

  • Marjan Park Forest: The lush green Marjan Park Forest covers a significant portion of the hill. Wander through the forested paths, encounter diverse flora and fauna, and find peaceful spots for picnics or relaxation. The forest provides a serene retreat away from the city's hustle and bustle.
  • Beaches: Marjan Hill is surrounded by beautiful beaches that are perfect for sunbathing and swimming. Bene Beach is the most popular, offering crystal-clear waters, amenities, and a tranquil setting. Other beaches like Kaštelet, Ježinac, and Katalinića are worth exploring for their natural charm.
  • Cultural Sites: Along the trails, you'll come across cultural sites and landmarks. Discover the rustic hermitages, such as St. Jerome's and St. Anthony's, which were inhabited by monks in the past. These secluded spots provide a glimpse into the spiritual heritage of the hill.

Exploring Marjan Hill allows you to connect with nature, embrace outdoor adventures, and enjoy breathtaking views of Split and the Adriatic Sea. From tranquil forested trails to stunning beaches, this natural gem offers a diverse range of Split Croatia attractions for every visitor.